United States of Distraction

I check a few websites daily to get my news (most are linked to the right – l mean physically on this blog) and one of them (nj.com) is that of the state’s largest newspaper which has by far the least pertinent information for me. Based on my rough estimate of New Jersey-related events and the percentage that the Star-Ledger covers:

  • Local government budgets – 0%
  • Murders – 1% (unless  a pretty woman is involved in which case it jumps to 50%)
  • New Jersey public pension system – 2% (which drops to 0% if you exclude official press releases)
  • Bruce Springsteen – 25%
  • Mike Francesa’s app: 50%
  • “Jersey Shore” – 75% (which jumps to 100% if either Snooki or Mike “The Situation” is involved)

Why the embargo on so much that directly impacts our lives and the obsession with what any thinking individual would deem trivia? This book blames it on corporate ownership (either direct or rented through advertising) of the media. Excerpts follow with my comment at the end*.

The dystopian scenarios portrayed in George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World look like understatements compared to today’s plutocratic deployment of communications technologies, many of them developed by taxpayer-funded government programs and grants. (page 16)

Giving people motivating opportunities to think for themselves on matters of public importance and peril is far superior to pleading, necessary as that is, with networks, the cable industry, and the woeful PBS and NPR. (page 20)

While Democrats and Republicans openly clash over issues of social justice, women’s rights, gun control, diversity, health care, and immigration, certain matters remain quietly uncontested: issues of free markets, globalized trade, militarization, surveillance, corporate power, tax cuts, and bailouts. (page 27)

“A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself.” Joseph Pulitzer (page 37)

[Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton] recognized that in the four decades since [Lyndon] Johnson’s jackass joke, the press had become less focused on holding politicians publicly accountable and more focused on furthering their own commercial interests. (page 38)

In 1974, they succeeded in exempting newspapers from the 1934 Communications Act, opening the way for newspaper monopolies to emerge by removing the limits of ownership. After the Telecommunications Act of 1996 effectively gutted the 1934 Communications Act, diversity of media ownership significantly diminished, with the fifty corporations that owned the bulk of the media during the 1980s being reduced to six by 2012: News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS, and Comcast. (pages 46-7)

In 1962, historian Daniel J. Boorstin anticipated that the rise of “the image,” in combination with U.S. commercial culture, would lead us to increasingly consume news that was based on nothing more than manufactured “pseudo-events.” (page 55)

In a post-truth era, the quality of statements is measured by how many people believe they are true, not if they are actually true. (page 97)

Given the dismal state of the economy for journalists in general, incentives are needed to cultivate independent local news programming and community journalism. Local journalism can be re-created through subsidies from federal and state governments, as well as the involvement of state- and community-level colleges and universities. (page 168)




* The gap between the last two comments is because a good portion of the middle two chapters focused on examples of what the authors view as Trump lying and distorting the truth which was either over-familiar or irrelevant to me. It is that last quote about government subsidizing local coverage where I started paying attention again and it delineated my main problem with the book. Yes, corporations do buy media coverage and propagandize the populace (tobacco and liquor did it in the old days with insurance and pharmaceuticals the most obvious players these days) but what of politicians who are also bought to distract? What kind of media coverage are they going to subsidize?

28 responses to this post.

  1. Nj.com is terrible with that. Francesca app was a failure. I don’t know anyone who bought it. And jersey shore appeals to stupid people who stay buried in their phone all day. These people are not looking to get informed, they are looking to be entertained. These are the folks who, a generation ago, would drop the front page and business section of the paper on the floor and read the funnies only. In what other universe could Kardashian even be a thing. The elite want it that way. They want 3 people at board of Ed meetings, empty mayor and council meetings, especially at budget time, and low low voter turnout. And candidly, if they are that fuckin stupid in the coarse of daily life, I would rather they stay the hell away from the voter booth.


  2. Posted by bpaterson on September 16, 2019 at 5:42 pm

    FYUI-viacom and CBS are planning a merger now that sumner redstone is gone. You left out the star ledgers biased agenda of hatred of republicans-thats about 75% of the articles, and 99% of the editorials which is basically the whole paper anyway just considered biased opinion, bought coverage from the other biased paper the washington post and some made up items. I still remember when they printed an article back then on the front page saying, “Christie is guilty of bridgegate.”


  3. Posted by NJ2AZ on September 16, 2019 at 6:17 pm

    and if someone ever ran with undoing some of the damages of TCA96, the media would either yellow journalism their campaign into oblivion or not cover it at all.


    also: the bill clinton presidency has aged SO poorly.


  4. Posted by Tough Love on September 16, 2019 at 11:48 pm

    Off Topic………….

    John, I know that you too pointed this out in a prior comment. but this article gets into the nitty-gritty of the deception attempted..



    • Hmmm…..there is also a significant wage gap between MLB players and the average private sector wage. Or between a neurosurgeon and the average private sector wage. Or between a retail clerk and the average private sector wage. Supply and demand fool. NOT wages of completely different professions.
      You got it backwards TL. You also don’t want a school or town to pay a high salary just because the next town over does. You only want comparables when it suites you.


      • Posted by stanley on September 17, 2019 at 8:37 am

        Constable: ” Supply and demand fool. NOT wages of completely different professions.”

        Supply and demand doesn’t treat you to a hundred bucks an hour to watch the traffic go by the construction site, does it? But, you’re ill informed. Of course there is a connection between wages of different occupations. There is a tendency toward equality of wages for work requiring similar degrees of ability with discounts and premiums to account for such things as training required, working conditions, desirability of the work, hazards and so on. And people generally prefer a higher rate of pay than a lower rate and will leave the work that doesn’t pay as well for the work that pays better or younger people choosing careers will take up the higher paying, more in demand work and avoid the work that is over supplied.

        Let’s face it, Constable; the public sector is hosing the tax paying private sector. The good news is that paybacks are on the way. Stand by.


        • Posted by Tough Love on September 17, 2019 at 10:30 am

          Well said ………… but have some pity for El Gaupo. While he can’t get himself to admit it, he KNOWS that there is a material probability he won’t actually collect anywhere near the ludicrous pension & benefits that he was “promised”.


          • @stanley— your correct. Supply and demand doesn’t allow me to get $110 an hour on road jobs. The FLSA does. 😃😃😃
            Makes me at least $30,000 a year and in good years over $50,000.
            @TL. I absolutely believe that PFRS and my towns medical will be there. 1) even YOU don’t really think past pension credits (especially for the po po) will be cut…and since I’m so damn close to retirement…well? And you have even stated on here that’s you don’t think my pension will be cut.
            2). There are not many that receive medical after retirement in my town anymore. Only 16 active cops, 2 guys in dpw, and maybe 24 or so retired people. (Most on Medicare). There won’t be a push in my town to eliminate that for the 18 or so actives. And once you get 25 years in, you are locked into what you’re contract says.
            So…yea. I’m not worried.
            MJ what do you think of these folks(TL, Rex and Stanley) who just like to hate on me? Especially Rex and Stanley who don’t even live here.


          • Posted by PS Drone on September 17, 2019 at 6:26 pm

            Disagree, TL. Like Stanley says, he probably will get it. But like the rest of us, if the $ he gets are worth a quarter or a tenth of what they are now, how large will he be living? No COLA’s will prove to be quite expensive for the over pensioned drones of NJ.


          • @PS —-it will last much longer in a lower cost of living state. Which is probably where I’m moving.


          • Posted by Tough Love on September 17, 2019 at 8:50 pm

            Quoting El gaupo ………………

            “MJ what do you think of these folks(TL, Rex and Stanley) who just like to hate on me? Especially Rex and Stanley who don’t even live here.”

            LOL ………… insecure? …….. need reassurance from MJ ?


      • Posted by Rex the Wonder Dog! on September 17, 2019 at 1:55 pm

        Hmmm…..there is also a significant wage gap between MLB players and the average private sector wage. Or between a neurosurgeon and the average private sector wage. Or between a retail clerk and the average private sector wage. Supply and demand fool.👎🏻
        There is an over abundance of applicants, by a factor of thousands, for GED cop and FF jobs. And as I have stated many times, 90% of America could do either job if given the opportunity. No education or skill required. In fact it is all on-the-job training, unlike a MLB player or neurosurgeon.


        • Hmmm? Think so? Check out the article on foxnews about the robberies in Minneapolis. Hordes of black men attacking and mercilessly beating unconscious white men then robbing them. Chief says no hate crime.
          Article then says how Minneapolis is having a crippling police hiring shortage. Hmm? Still think thousands of applicants apply? It ain’t 1990 anymore. How about the police shooting in Staten Island? Female cop shot and suspect (39 prior arrests) was killed. And yes TL, I could care less if he bled out. Anyway, how about all the local choirboys there who were cursing and calling for the officers to die?? Can you compare other working conditions to that?


          • Still never told us where you live….whatya scared I’m gonna come neuter you? Lol.


          • Posted by stanley on September 18, 2019 at 8:19 am

            Constable, I DO NOT like to “hate on you.”

            How about when two police officers had a shootout over who would drive the patrol car? What about that one?


  5. E…agree with you completely. People can tell you more about the Kardashians than they can about what is going on politically in their own town or county. I’ve shown up for Board of Ed meetings and town council meetings back in the day and its all complete bullshit….people are more worried about running their kids around to endless activities than to pay attention to what is going on around them. Maybe they are just too stressed out working all day trying to keep up with the Jones?? did we have this discussion before
    Anyway I don’t believe that anyone really reads these rags anyway other than older people. Most now get their news from the biased media CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc
    However, if droves of concerned taxpaying citizens showed up and caused a ruckus might be a different story but the complete apathy UGH very disturbing


    • If you are a beneficiary of the status quo then you don’t mind the apathy


    • Posted by stanley on September 17, 2019 at 8:18 am

      ” Most now get their news from the biased media CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc”

      And the purveyors of objective, honest news are NYT, Wa Post, NBC, ABC, PBS, CBS?

      It’s all agenda driven garbage. I’m not a big fan of Fox but it is better than the rest and has made a difference. There is the internet. A generation ago, it was almost exclusively NBC, CBS, ABC the New York Slimes and Wa Post. And, maybe LA Ties and Dallas Moring News. We don’t have news men and women. We have propagandists.

      The thing the PTB hates more than the 2nd Amendment is the First Amendment. They would love to get their hooks into the internet.


      • Stanley, they are all the pits if you ask me. I don’t believe even half of the bullshit they spew all day long and I don’t even watch the news. I’m inundated via my devices, lap top, etc.

        And I mind the apathy all around…..those who are aware of what’s going on around them will fare best in these uncertain times.


        • I’m sorry. I was wrong about my earlier post. The suspect was 39 years old and had only been arrested 16 times. Silly me. Including 3 SEPERATE incidents of shooting 2 people, shooting into an occupied house, and taking a woman. Must’ve been because of his white male oppresers. 🙄🙄
          Again, TL, I could give a fuck if he bled and then didn’t do a damn thing. Why would you give a shit about that guy anyway?
          Still think there are private sector comparables? Stay in your fucking lane, and don’t worry about my pension and bennies. Without us, and gun owners, this shit would creep into your neighborhood.


          • *raping a woman


          • Posted by Tough Love on September 17, 2019 at 8:43 pm

            Quoting El gaupo ………………

            “Stay in your fucking lane, and don’t worry about my pension and bennies. Without us, and gun owners, this shit would creep into your neighborhood.”

            Wow, your sounding more & more like Marine1 (who call “Civilians” trash, and calls for them to go kill themselves).

            Did you look in the mirror and beat your chest while you thought that up ?

            You don’t “EARN” anywhere near what you are UNFORTUNATELY compensated. You know it but just can’t deal with hearing it. That’s why you are so pissed off.


          • In your mind. Thankfully, you don’t get to set my compensation. And it makes you jealous because evidently you either got screwed over romantically by a cop or you just don’t have as good a compensation package. Oh well. Either way, not my problem.


  6. I agree with E completely in that all of the violence, ghetto behaviors, drugs, crime is creeping into our very own neighborhoods little by little even in the NJ suburbs. Hatred towards the cops, politicians not supporting the police, no one can do or say anything anymore if certain groups of people are guilty of crimes, shooting at police, harassing police at a crime scene, continued accusations of racism, no respect at all for anything.

    I’m more concerned with these types of scenarios than with E collecting his pension. I live in a really nice area and I think twice about going out at night by myself and I lock my doors with bolt locks when years past nobody locked their doors in my neighborhood.

    If I shoot someone is self defense then their family is suing me in a civil case so we really can’t win against dysfunctional, violent criminals, corrupt court systems or anti-police politicians.

    Just my two cents….


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