Murphy’s Plan – Live Blogging

According to the some sources New Jersey, as compared to other states, has the:

  1. worst business tax climate,
  2. highest property taxes, and
  3. worst funded pension system.

With that in mind, here is what Governor Phil Murphy in his first budget address:

is focusing on:

  1. Women in government
  2. Climate Change
  3. Fracking
  4. Net neutrality
  5. Marijuana
  6. Gun violence

Transitioning to the budget with these bromides:

  1. sound policy before sound bites
  2. for this budget we needed a ladder as much as a calculator
  3. increasing investment in the future

Wish list:

  1. statewide pre-K
  2. computer science for all public schools
  3. Community College free tuition
  4. triple funding for NJ Transit
  5. $15/hour minimum wage

Higher taxes on:

  1. millionaires
  2. hedge fund managers using carried interest
  3. everybody – 7% sales tax back




One response to this post.

  1. Posted by MJ on March 14, 2018 at 10:35 am

    Yawn….did anyone really expect anything different? As far as the sales tax, don’t buy anything that you don’t really need……and let’s not forget the gas tax that is still in place


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